Thursday, September 25, 2014

HTML4 versus HTML5: new additions/changes to HTML5


Html was first published in late 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee.  It has equally enriched and tortured our coding experiences on the world wide web ever since :).  This blog shall show the differences between Html 4 (the most current implementation) and Html 5 (new and improved).

New and improved in Html 5:

  1. Consistent defined error handling!  Less effort on the developer to have to write javascript validation when it's built into the newer spec!  Think of creating a text field to validate an email address and then having to hook in a javascript wrapper to require the @ and . characters exist, now think about setting an attribute like required=true within the tag you'd just created.  Time saver!

  2. The <canvas> tag which is aimed at animation (goodbye Flash animations?).

  3. Deprecating tags that can (and should) be done in CSS.  Goodbye <b>,<noframes>, and <font>!

  4. Native support for audio and video similar to the <img> tag.  Injecting the Thundercats theme song into a website based on Hello Kitty or the Dungeons and Dragons 80's animated series?  Yes please :).
  5. Newer and updated APIs!  Better support to have the browser be an online/offline application program!  Adding click(), focus(), and blur() to all elements on the page! Yes putting blur() on most any element on the page is cheesy, but more options are better!

Tune in next week when I attempt to create the same web page using HTML 4 and HTML 5.


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