Thursday, January 29, 2015

Powershell scripting - an advanced lesson


So you now kind of know what powershell scripting is, and there's a better way of scripting via a Microsoft utility included with Windows 7 and newer OSes.  You now have even used a parameter in your script so it's re-usable for different machines.  What else is available?  invoking a web service and displaying the results to the user!


I'm rather fond of the parameter based concept for these scripts, methinks I'll use one.  I found a handy dandy free soap service on the internet that converts Celsius to Fahrenheit (hey, it could be useful for the metric system users out there).  Time to break out a cmd-let called New-WebServiceProxy.  As you can see in the following code it's quite easy to invoke a web-service in your script:


$svc = New-WebServiceProxy
$result = $svc.CelsiusToFahrenheit($conversionValue)
write-host "You entered " $conversionValue "degrees celsius and it converted to " $result "degrees fahrenheit"

You basically make a local variable and pass the URL as the parameter to the New-WebServiceProxy.  from there you call the variable.MethodName and pass any parameters that might need to be used and store the results in a variable to do what you wish.  For our purposes I'll write out the results .

Time to run the script, check out the results:



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