Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Chess Project, Part 10


We got a good start on our unit testing in the Chess Project Part 9 posting last week. We unit tested every possible move for white pieces, created a spiffy new html format for chess boards to ease our unit testing, and we tested many of our helper methods in other classes as well. This time around we will finish up unit testing the current suite of functionality. We have to add unit tests for some of the valid black piece moves (I only deem it worth our time to create tests for moves unique to black; his pawns and king castling moves, make sure black pieces can't put their own king in check) and we have just a few helper methods within ChessValidMoveCalculator to test out. Then we're green to move on to the super-fun part (next week), starting to figure out what the "best" move is for a given chess board!

The Code

Like last week, I think it best to start off by giving you this link to the code. There are too many new unit tests forming too much code to paste it in the blog, so at your leisure please download it from the link, open it up, build it, and take a look at the new unit tests. Then come on back so we can discuss them.

Unit Tests

We'll start with pawn moves. Obviously black's pawns move down the board while white's pawns move up the board, so their move calculations are different. This is why I decided to unit test black pawns separately from white pawns. You can see by looking at the unit test file that I mirrored all the white unit tests with black as far as pawns are concerned, so we should have full coverage.

I'm going to skip unit testing of black Knight, Bishop, Rook, and Queen moves. Why? These pieces move exactly the same whether they are white or black. The only difference is that white pieces can't put the white king in check, and black pieces can't put the black king in check, but I don't have to duplicate all my tests to check 1 situation per color. I did however recreate the majority of the king's unit tests as castling is different (white castles on row 7, black on row 0), so you can see in our unit test code that most but not all of the king testing is duplicated from white to black. I also renamed some of the unit tests to better denote color and direction.

We also added 8 more unit tests (4 each) for ColorThreatensSquare and IsKingInCheck, testing the positive and negative and black/white of each method.

You may have also noticed I had to fix more code. This just reaffirms my love of unit tests. See if you can find the code I had to fix. Here's a hint: it had to do with checking if a move would put the same-color king in check.

What's Next?

That's it for this week folks! We have 1 solution, 4 projects, dozens of classes, 80 unit tests, 1 web API, etc etc. Next week we'll FINALLY get to the whole point of this project, calculating the "best" move. I haven't a clue how long that will take us to do, it could be 1 post or 5, we'll just have to wait and see. 

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